Ofsted Dec 24: Pupils enjoy attending their warm and nurturing village school. Pupils work hard and achieve well. Some spaces are still available for Reception September 2025.

Community Defibrillator

The school hosts a community defibrillator, provided by The Seahaven Responders, which is available at all times in the event of an emergency involving a cardiac arrest. Pupils at the school raised the money to pay for the defibrillator in the 2016-2017 school year through a variety of fund-raising activities and we are very proud that their efforts have made such an important resource available to the local community.

The defibrillator is located in a yellow box, on the wall to the right hand side of the front entrance as you enter by the car park gates. No code is required and the defibrillator will 'talk' users through the required steps when it is used.

There is a second defibrillator in the village, located at The Pavilion on the village green.