The school office will be open from 8:30am - 3:30pm Monday - Friday. For any inquiries outside of these times please leave a voicemail message or email
What do I do if my child is going to be late or absent?
We strongly encourage good attendance and punctuality. Children who regularly miss school, or are frequently late for school, miss valuable learning time themselves, as well as disrupting the learning of other children in the class.
The Attendance Policy gives details of how to report and request absences from school.
Regardless of the reason for absence, you must first seek permission from the head of school (Mrs Hibbert) by completing the Withdrawal from Learning Application form.
We are very pleased to work with East Sussex Music to offer lessons at our school. We currently have teachers coming in once a week to offer lessons for guitar, cello, violin, clarinet and keyboard.
For further information or to book lessons please visit East Sussex Music.