Ofsted Dec 24: Pupils enjoy attending their warm and nurturing village school. Pupils work hard and achieve well. Some spaces are still available for Reception September 2025.


If you would like to make a one off payment or set up a regualr payment to the PTFA , please follow the link.
Co-Chair - Kyle Fieldus

Treasurer - Emma Fieldus

Volunteer Coordinator - Donna Martinez-Claras

Fundraising - Georgina Clare

All parents, carers, teachers and governors are members of the PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association). The PTFA organises events to raise funds to support the school in its activities and to enhance the life of the school.

The annual Bonfire Night, held at the weekend following or preceding November 5th is a fantastic event with two firework displays run by one of the Lewes Bonfire Societies (a quiet display for younger children and a more explosive one for older children and adults), a bonfire, a bar, entertainers, hot dogs and burgers and much, much more.

In addition, they hold a range of children's discos, quiz nights for parents and after-school events.

The money they raise provides invaluable support for the school and greatly enhances the experiences of children. Each year they pay for a theatre group to perform for the children and have recently bought and fitted a brand new set of stage lights to add to the many performances the children provide at the school. Other recent purchases include sets of books for different classes throughout the school, clocks for all the classrooms that assist in the teaching of time, cookery equipment to help deliver the Design Technology element of the new National Curriculum and much more.

As a school we are extremely grateful to the PTFA for all the work they do on behalf of the children and all parents are encouraged to become involved in supporting the work of the PTFA.

You can email the PTFA at PTFA@iford-kingston.e-sussex.sch.uk